Canaan Mountain Bike Festival

Do you enjoy the thrill of mountain biking or know someone who does? If so, Canaan Valley’s Mountain Bike Festival is a decade-long activity for the town and brings out locals and visitors alike to race on the area’s tough ground.

Bike racing isn’t a new event for Tucker County’s town of Davis. In fact, Davis was one of the first places for mountain bikers to ride tough terrain on the East Coast. From 1975 to 1993, the race known as Blackwater 100 took place and it was once known as the toughest races in America due to the rocky, mud-covered terrain. Shortly after, in 1982, the mountain biking on the Moon Rocks followed and became a popular race.

Today, mountain biking in Davis is going strong with the Blackwater Classic XC race each June held by the Blackwater Bicycle Association, and this year will mark the 10th year of the festival! At this race there are three different loops: beginner, sport and expert. The experts are often able to still ride on the Moon Rocks. Although the name of the race may continue to change over the years, the grounds are still rocky and muddy, creating a challenging course for bikers.

Please note: when parking at the festival, you can park at the south end of town at the old, closed Highlander Hotel and the Davis City parking lot. Parking in front of local business while you ride is not allowed.

Whether you’re an expert at mountain biking and want to give the course a try, or you want to come out and cheer on those who do, Canaan Valley welcomes you! While you’re here, take time to partake in all of the outdoor activities Davis has to offer from listening to music, dining at local restaurants, bird watching, hiking, and more! Plan your trip today!