Shopping & Dining in Thomas and Davis

You bundle up with scarf and gloves and leave your rental cabin to venture out to the local shops and restaurants. Wandering slowly from shop to shop, you’re smiling and taking in the quaint stores and galleries along the main street. You overhear a group laughing and smiling while taking a selfie with their coffees in hand. There’s just something special here.

To describe “Thomas-Davis” in one word would have to be artistic. These two closely neighboring towns are worth a stop in the Canaan Valley. For such a small area, there truly is an abundance of handmade items and art. Watercolors, stained glass, paper cutting, woodcrafts, jewelry and quilting are just a few of the items available for purchase at the WV Highlands Artisans Gallery.

The area is also a hub for outdoor enthusiasts as so much of the art is rooted in nature. Photographers find the lesser-traveled road to get to the perfect vantage point and, as a result, truly have stunning work. Any number of the prints would make the just the right gift.

Lastly, an integral part of the atmosphere is the number of antique and consignment stores that line the central avenue. Each shop has put its own unique twist on vintage items and collections. You could literally spend hours combing through the merchandise. Every so often when you stick your head in one of the doors, you’ll hear an excited “hey, look at this!”.

The stores and restaurants in this small area really showcase the pure talent that is in the hills of West Virginia. The artists, the small town, and the refurbished building facades will invite you in and make you smile even if you don’t buy a thing.

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